“Your mentoring really gave me a great start when I first moved into the humanitarian world. You took your time and patiently
step-by-step took me through the process to prepare the Security Management Plan.”
Country Safety & Security Manager, Oxfam, Kenya
It’s important that your staff members feel supported by others who understand their work and the challenges they face. Individuals who are asked to take on new security responsibilities and learn on the job can find it an uphill path.
We can be a sounding board, an advisor and a catalyst to those who need some support in mastering their security role.
We offer individual one-on-one mentoring services to those managing security at HQ and in the field. We assign an experienced humanitarian security mentor to support and advise so that your staff members feel better prepared to carry out their security responsibilities.
The mentor will help with overcoming specific problems and encourage the professional development of the staff member. In the long run, supporting a colleague by offering them some mentoring sessions is often much cheaper and less disruptive than recruiting a replacement.
If you are either a staff member with new security responsibilities or the supervisor of such a person, contact us to discuss how we can help.
“Your support and encouragement when I was starting out was invaluable. Since then I have gone on to create a successful career
in humanitarian action, in large part due to my ability to successfully manage security”